
Dive into the ideas, trends, and news that matter At Home.

Living in History

Brownstone building

Historic Brownstone apartments require TLC and a level of understanding for the person lucky enough to dwell in one. We own and manage over 20 turn-of-the-century buildings in Saint Paul which sort of makes us brownstone experts. ...

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Do Good

Second Harvest Heartland

It's a quality. We all have the capacity to be good. And, we At Home also want to DO good. One way is to give to those in need. Now through December 15th we are challenging our residents and staff to donate to Second Harvest Heartland...

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We’ve got a secret

At Home residents have another reason to love where they live. R e n t   B o n u s e s ! ! There are many benefits to living in an At Home property: quiet, well-maintained, clean, great location, friendly leasing teams, etc. And every...

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